About: Emma Allard

Recent Posts by Emma Allard

Boardroom Furniture Ideas

This blog / article entitled Boardroom Furniture Ideas has been written to offer advice on ways to design a boardroom or meeting room that will fit your requirements, and hopefully offer some tips and ideas that you may not have thought of! Happy Reading. How long do we spend in meetings? Directors & Executives can

The Importance of an Organised Office

How your office functions on a day-to-day basis is affected by a variety of different factors, one being how well your office is organised! Having a disorganised office comes with many disadvantages which should be avoided, while an organised office with the appropriate office storage can benefit your business in several ways. Here are just

A Buyer’s Guide to Purchasing the Right Office Storage

Having a smooth-running office is an important aspect of a successful business, and finding the right office storage is an essential element of this. The right storage will not only keep your office looking clean and tidy; but it will also help your business to become more efficient, save you time, prevent the loss of

10 Ways Office Furniture Can Improve Productivity

There are many important factors that contribute to the success of a business, one being the level of productivity. Business owners and managers must take steps to ensure that their team never fail to work productively. Some simple measures which they can take are choosing and positioning the office furniture wisely and choosing the appropriate

How to buy office furniture that is in line with health and safety standards in the UK

When owning an office, the worst mistake you could possibly ever do is ignore the role that office furniture plays, in terms of productivity and potential. When you add great furniture to an office, you are guaranteed to take the level of productivity to the next stage. Thankfully, a lot of business owners around the