Allard Office Furniture

How to stay healthy whilst in the office

How to stay healthy whilst in the office

Staying healthy whilst working in an office environment full time is not the easiest task but it’s imperative to take actions into making sure you take the right steps into doing so so you not only feel good about yourself but can reach maximum results at work too. Working in an office can mean you are seated for a lot of hours during the week. As well as being seated for long stretches of time working in an office can also often be under stressful circumstances. This can cause wear and tear of you both mentally and physically so you have to do everything in your power to combat these possibilities and make sure you keep yourself on point at the best you can be ready to take on all challenges and not only face the work day, but beat it, and enjoy yourself and the way you feel along the way.

Firstly, look at what you can do with regards to movement in the workplace. First and foremost you are there to work and earn a living, of course, but even though you will be seated for a long time you will have times such as breaks and lunch where you need to utilise that time to the best of your ability for your own good. In these times you should use them to stretch, walk, maybe play pool or table tennis, and at the very least stand. Aside from sanctioned break times if you get to a point at work where you even have just a few minutes free then get up from your seated position and get yourself in motion even if only for a stroll down the corridor and back. There is always going to be people who say they can’t do this because of work piling up etc but my argument against that is that you need to be at your best to give your best and taking care of yourself is a key element in working towards this. To supplement what you may do in and around the office think about what else you can do. If you live in walking distance of your office then maybe walk to and from work or take a bike ride. Doing this will get your body loosened up more than it normally would before you start your days work and after a long day’s work is the perfect way to get your body in motion and is a healthy way to combat the seating position you have been in for the most part of the day. Health is without a question one of the most important, if not the most important, thing in the world and maintaining your health whilst at work is just as important as what you do in your social hours. Of course there is always going to be obstacles and all is easier said than done but you just have to overcome these obstacles and not make excuses as to why you can’t do what needs to be done. Walking and stretching are two very underrated and underused means of exercise and this should be taken into account if you start to feel aches and pains.

Next to taking care of yourself physically there is your food and drink intake to consider. Giving yourself energy to not only feel more awake and good within yourself will also help keep your mind more focused on work matters. Hitting your 5 a day whilst at work is easy and healthy, it’s a win win situation and shouldn’t be overlooked. Of course we all like naughty treats from time to time but we can set goals using a healthy diet set up where we can treat ourselves to chocolate etc because we have stuck to a healthy regime and deserve a break from time to time. Drinks and snacks should definitely be of the healthy option when at work. Again don’t make excuses and get on top of things. It’s easy to pack juices or water and fruit for work, it’s also cheap and easily available.  One thing that can be hard is if you’re on the move and don’t have much time to go out and buy yourself a healthy lunch etc. The easy option is to buy fast food or pick up unhealthy options in a meal deal offer from a supermarket. Again, you can treat yourself to a burger from time to time, but to overcome this all you have to do is some research. Take some time look at what’s healthy and what’s not so when choosing your meal you can make an educated healthy option. If need be look online and do your research and find your answers and come cup with combinations of what works for you. Look online (or when you are walking to and from work) what shops and options are available so you can vary your choices.

You may see all of the above as time consuming efforts when you already do a long, hard weeks work and just want to relax in your free time but you should see making these adaptations as common sense. The reason for this is because even though at the beginning it may take time to figure out what’s best for you overall as aforementioned in this article it truly is a win win situation and not only can you face work from a healthier standpoint but you can face and enjoy life in general from a healthier standpoint and there isn’t much better than that.